Modesty Terms

Modesty Terms 

By purchasing from Yours Collection, you agree to our Terms and Conditions, which include policies on modesty, values, and others. These terms apply to all users and may be updated periodically.

Modesty and Values Commitment:

A) Commitment to Modesty: Our clothing is designed to align with Islamic modesty guidelines. We offer distinct designs for men and women:

    • Men’s clothing is exclusively designed for men.
    • Women’s clothing is exclusively designed for women.
    • By purchasing from us, you pledge to wear our garments in accordance with these modesty principles.

B) Respect for Sacred Names and Symbols: If any items feature Arabic calligraphy or Islamic symbols, they must be handled with reverence. You must be in a state of wudu (purification) when touching these symbols or calligraphy, ensuring respect for the sacredness of these representations.

C) Pledge to Uphold Our Values: Purchasing from Yours Collection is a promise to honor Islamic principles in daily life. You commit to upholding modesty, dignity, and faith, in alignment with the guidance of the Imam of our time (s). 

To review all Terms and Conditions, please visit [Full Terms].